Our reflection today is taken from Genesis 13:10, 14-15 and 17.
"(10) And Lot and dilihatnyalah gaze, that the entire Jordan Valley, many waters, like the garden of the LORD, like anah Egypt to Zoar. -Hali took place before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. (14) After Lot separated from the Abram, the LORD said to Abram: Look around you and see you berdiriitu of rempat east and west, north and south, (15) for the whole country that you see that I shall give thee and to thy seed for ever ever. (17) Be prepared, according to the country's Live long and wide, because I will give kepadamulah country. "
There was a problem between Abram (who called Abraham for his faith in the Lord) and Lot who still has a civil relationship. Because the property and their livestock are equally many. Creating betengkar shepherds. This makes Abram took a wise decision to choose first Lot, the area which is considered good for the selected Lot. HUMAN NATURE always looked the best based on what is seen. Finally Lot chose the Jordan Valley region of abundant water. Sufficient for the needs of livestock and the family thought. And what about Abram. MAY Abram got discouraged, because in verse 14 there is comfort from the LORD, where Abram was asked to inspect the area around it. And in verses 15-17 there is the promise the Lord to Abram.
After Lot chose what he looked good. Does that happen all the time then to self-Lot? What did she look good, safe and provide all their needs were only a second choice. Lot had lived among the people who are not properly before the LORD. Thus, where the place he considered safe were eliminated LORD. But Abram who lived his life quietly helped the LORD. Received consolation LORD.
We are often faced with the choice. Today or tomorrow, we will always find plihan-difficult choices and may even trick us to self-destruction. PLEASE DO NOT we choose something without a good communication with Christ. Silence and hope to Christ as a Helper. So maintenance father Abraham from God, will happen to us.
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