Shalom Short Meditations friends for you.
Matthew 7:1 says this:
"Do not judge, that ye be not judged."
Who would not have done wrong in this world? Who has the perfect life under this sky? Or, is there any sin that God loves and who is not beloved of God? I think we all sin. I believe in the sky there is no perfect. And I believe, that all the sins we do in the face of God no differentiated. All sin is the transgression before God and declared wrong. So no one really on this earth. As it says in Romans 3:10 b; "There is none righteous, no, not one."
Judge our fellow easier than to be judged. Because a judge is always felt to be in the correct position and easier to punish. Do we know that in our judgments to our brothers the mental impact on the poor? Or more simply, we realize that before the Lord Jesus we are the same. We both made a mistake / sin, although sin we do is different from the others. So, if we apply the wrong brother. Let us not judge her as if we are better than our brother is wrong. Maybe he commit adultery, steal, may have killed, maybe he was bound by drugs and so on. Let us not judge them by ignoring them, stay away from them, spread bad news about them. REMEMBER that the Lord Jesus never find the truth in our lives. Just because we believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior. So we are justified. Truth is not our business. Truth is in our lives is because of the grace of Jesus. So what right do we make it as a basis for judging our brothers who fell?
Paragraph 3 in Matthew 7 is a satire of Jesus uttered loud. "Why are you selumbar in your brother's eye, the beam in your own eye you do not know." Meaning, Busy MESTI WHY WE JUDGE OTHERS AND PERSONALITY TO THE OTHER MENJELEKANNYA, whereas OURSELVES STILL needs to be addressed! BE Counselor (helper of other people's problems) with BE A judgmental (always see the flaws / weaknesses of others) is different.
WHEN WILL WE BETTER MUTUAL SUPPORT, strengthen, pray AND CONTINUING TO REQUEST FOR JESUS AND ALWAYS PERFECT Restored. So that we become a person who helps someone else out of the problem and not the judge of their slump. Remember the adulterous TALE WOMAN left JESUS LIVES! Jesus The perfect always give forgiveness. Why we are not perfect trying to act like more right?
SHE (penghakimanku for others) turned to hit me. The theme of this reflection is built on the basis of Matthew 7:2. The size we use to judge others will ditakarkan for us too. So do not be surprised if one day we judged others more than we make judgments to others. This happens because we forget Matthew 7:1-4.
Let's learn to forgive, learning to pray and learn to provide solutions for those who fall and need support and encouragement. What we do is always considered God. And He will give the best to those who do right / fair.
Lord Jesus be with us all, amen.
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